New web experiments!
Hey everyone!
This is my post after a long long time. Well, I am here to introduce 2 recent experimental web stuff I developed just to get the hang of HTML5, CSS3 and coffeescript and I must tell you that working with these super-awesome web technologies has been a great experience. They open a whole new world of possibilities where imagination can create mind-blowing things.
The first one of them is actually a small library used to create cool looking isometric text in the browser using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
This is a recent thing I have been working on. The inspiration behind this was the space invader made here using CSS box-shadow seeing which I though of recreating my complete site with zero images using only CSS pixel art. And so piCSSel-art was born.
Having the app done, I'll can now start working on my new website design which is gonna be hell lot of fun with this.
Both the above experiments are in the open-source world for anyone who wants to tinker with them. So fork and play with them.
Let me know your thoughts, comments, suggestions on them.